What Is Your Mobile Phone Security Index?

1 / 5
What type of lock do you use for your phone?
2 / 5
How often do you update your phone’s system and apps?
3 / 5
What do you do when you receive a suspicious link or message?
4 / 5
Do you have security software or antivirus installed on your phone?
5 / 5
How do you manage app permissions on your phone?
Is your crush really meant for you?
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What's your gay meter?
Am I skinny, curvy, chubby, or obese?
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Do You Still Remember Him/Her? —Journey Back To The Glamor Of Vintage Cinema.
What's your past life?
Are You More Like Your Dad Or Your Mom?
See your family in Harry Potter
Which goth girl are you?
Are You Homophobic?
Which LGBTQ DC Character Do You Think Would Be The Best Match For You?
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Do You Have Seasonal Depression?
Are you a good kisser?